Saturday, May 8, 2010

Display Unit

This is some of the things that you can see in my display unit...

I am selling Brite Smile whitening pen but using ZOOM2 bleaching system

Ha! This is something different.. Miniature of food product from Japan

I actually kept alot of interesting extracted teeth. Here are some of them. Real Teeth with tartar!!

and this one with a big decay

Close up view of an extracted extreme curvy root. I still manage to removed it without breaking the root.

A porcelain fused with metal crown on an extracted tooth

Old composite 'white' filling.

Old amalgam 'silver' filling. Looks like rough unpolished filling.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pasar Malam in Sri Petaling, KL - 23 Dec 2007

I went to Sri Petaling Pasar Malam, took along my camera to capture the moment and people there doing business. Got nothing to do...

This Lok Lok really look very nice and fresh... A closeup picture.

Taiwan Pizza that come in a truck

Peal tea originated from Taiwan.. I guess so

They started selling lantern and CYN stuff before Christmas. So early.

And this stall also.

Usual staff found in pasar malam

Hmm... This interesting stuff also can be found in pasar malam

Uncle look busy selling his metal cooking stuff
You also can find fish here...

And vegetable stall

Finally, clothes....
Indeed my SLD camera can take good picture in a very poor lighting in pasar malam